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278 Results found for "diversity"

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142. EU passes new deforestation law – Rize ETF

...Learn about the EU's new deforestation law and how it is designed to fight climate change and biodiversity loss across the world.

143. Impact investing in private equity – a UK pension fund perspective

...priorities?Climate is the main engagement priority for pension funds but there are growing concerns around biodiversity, with some funds mentioning their aim of deforestation-free portfolios. On the...

144. Why do tortoises owe a debt of gratitude to Credit Suisse? – Redington

Deforestation, land degradation, and biodiversity loss are the primary nature-related risks facing the global economy; and given that more than half the world’s GDP is moderately or highly dependent on...

145. 19 October 2023 – Place-Based Impact Investing and Paris Alignment Forum online morning coffee with Federated Hermes Limited

...adherence to the processes which earned them their ‘kitemarks’. He is also the Executive sponsor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion.With almost 30 years’ investment experience,. Eoin joined in January...

146. 25 September 2023 - Paris Alignment Forum online morning coffee with Fidelity International

...use of sustainable debt instruments are all unique advantages bond investors have in addressing biodiversity. Investors are quickly waking up to the potential of this sleeping giant. As part of the Paris...

147. Reshaping worker expectations – Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM)

In this gender diversity paper, MSIM examine changes in the makeup of the US labour market and workforce that occurred partly because of the pandemic — in particular, the effects on women workers. They...

148. As corporate DEI performance improves, Calvert’s methodology for evaluating DEI issues builds on those gains – Morgan Stanley Investment Management (MSIM)

Calvert research, along with numerous academic studies, indicate diversity, equity and inclusion factors (DEI) are financially material. Building on this research, they created an investable opportunity...

149. 17 January 2024 - All-member online event on the governance gap in impact management

Pension schemes are grappling with the extra responsibilities related to climate change, biodiversity loss and social risks as well as new opportunities. Many funds do not have the resources and expertise...

150. A positive force for nature: reflecting on industry developments – Isio

...agenda, with this tunnel vision awarding little focus to other concerns, including nature and biodiversity degradation. When we look at the scientific research on the state of our planet, we know we...

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