Mike Appleby makes the strong investment and environmental case for electric vehicles vs internal combustion engine cars.Why we like electric vehicles – Liontrust
The integrity of some of the world’s voluntary carbon market (VCM) schemes is a hot-button issue. However, Federated Hermes Limited believe it’s important…Voluntary carbon markets: is the nuance lost in the noise? – Federated Hermes Limited
Seb Beloe looks back on COP28 and what the outcomes mean for WHEB's investment strategy.What the outcomes of COP28 mean for WHEB’s investment strategy
Countries are increasingly looking to adopt a circular economy approach to consumption and production patterns, but what might this mean for investors?Waste to wealth: a circular economy approach to e-waste – M&G Investments
Claire Jervis discusses the new WHEB sub-theme, climate adaptation and how investing in climate-resilient infrastructure today can avoid even greater costs…Time to adapt – the reasoning behind WHEB’s new sub-theme: climate adaptation – WHEB
Natural capital: from concept to investment.Natural capital investing: an introduction to forestry, agriculture and carbon credits – bfinance
Reasons to be sustainably cheerful in 2024 from Peter Michaelis, Liontrust's head of Sustainable Investment.A sustainable and prosperous 2024 – Liontrust
Selections from Alliance Bernstein's latest Climate Change and Investment Academy, including the latest in climate science and solutions, from an investment…Investing lessons from climate school, class of 2023 – AllianceBernstein
Peter Michaelis discusses the role of sustainable investment in addressing the climate challenge.The future of sustainable investment – video – Liontrust
The industrial sector produces 34% of greenhouse gas emissions and waste is rife. Simon Clements considers how technologies developed in the fourth industrial…The factory of the future – video – Liontrust