Renewable infrastructure and the energy transition – Hymans Robertson

Renewable infrastructure and the energy transition.

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... In addressing climate risk, asset owners rely on high-quality data to make informed decisions. Hymans Robertson's 2023 survey findings showed an improvement in both response rates and data quality, although progress remained limited. Continued engagement with managers is deemed essential to drive meaningful change. The second annual survey, covering 57 asset managers and 157 funds across various strategies within private equity, private debt, property, and infrastructure, utilised data reported as of 31st December 2022.

Notably, private debt managers demonstrated significant improvements, with increased response rates and the beginning of emissions data reporting. The report underlines five key recommendations, including advocating for consistency in data requests, seeking greater transparency from managers, and adopting a pragmatic approach that acknowledges the practical and economic challenges of collecting certain data.

Publication date: November 2023

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