Voluntary carbon markets: is the nuance lost in the noise? – Federated Hermes Limited

The integrity of some of the world’s voluntary carbon market (VCM) schemes is a hot-button issue. However, Federated Hermes Limited believe it’s important to understand some of the differences in standards around the world – as well as the progress being made towards tightening them.

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... Fast reading:
  • Recent press about global VCM has, rightly, raised concerns about the integrity of some of the schemes available for investors looking to offset their carbon footprint.
  • Not all VCMs are built the same, however. VCMs endorsed by the UK government use a methodology based on scientific consensus and are free from methodological subjectivities and uncertainties, which is in contrast with the international schemes currently attracting criticism.
  • This means commonly cited concerns around VCMs overstatement of impact in other parts of the world are not relevant or applicable to the UK context.
  • The UK Nature Impact team is aware of this nuance. Indeed, the creation of the strategy and its UK-only investment universe was motivated by Federated Hermes Limited's belief in the integrity of the UK methodological VCM framework.
  • Federated Hermes Limited continue to monitor the situation and welcome progress on tightening non-UK VCM standards.

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