Fostering impact: an investor guide for engaging communities in place-based impact – Impact Investing institute

The Institute's step-by-step guide for successful community engagement, in partnership with Involve, will help investors to deepen their place-based impact investing approach.

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Directing private impact capital to underinvested places, commonly referred to as place-based impact investing, has been shown to be an effective way to raise living standards, provide economic opportunity, and build thriving, inclusive communities.

To be successful, those investments need to consider the realities of a place, and no one has a more rounded perspective than the people and communities rooted there. So how can we ensure investments in local infrastructure, housing, and businesses take into account the community's diverse views and ideas? How can investors engage with communities to benefits investors and local residents?

‘Fostering Impact: an investor guide for engaging communities in place-based impact investing.’ the Impact Investing Institute's new guide, in partnership with Involve – the UK’s public participation charity, was designed for investors, developers, and stakeholders who want to enhance their impact and financial performance by forging partnerships with local communities through meaningful engagement.

Learn more here