Appetite for change: food, ESG and the nexus of nature – Invesco

The quest for food security.

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... Recent events, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine foremost among them, have propelled food security back toward the top of international agendas.

Yet the reality is that the issue has always been hugely significant, with previous attempts to address the problem failing to deliver a truly lasting solution. Today food security is just one of many interconnected crises that highlight the urgent need to disrupt a global food system that is no longer fit for purpose.

Despite the scale of the challenge amid a “perfect storm”, there is growing reason to believe the quest to feed all of humanity can at last be achieved. The pace of technological advances – as evidenced, for example, by the rise and spread of agtech – offers the promise of continued innovation in this sphere. As shown by the success of many leading countries in the Global Food Security Index, the power of public-private partnerships is also likely to be crucial.

Investors have a major role to play in both financing the necessary transition and ensuring it takes account of the bigger picture – that is, the planet as a whole.

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