Why forever chemicals aren’t going away – Federated Hermes Limited

The accumulation of harmful chemicals in the environment over time poses serious risks to wildlife, the food chain, and human health. Joanne Beatty explains the nature of forever chemicals and how Federated Hermes Limited engage with companies on this topic.

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... We encounter a host of synthetic chemicals in our daily lives, although many of us are unaware how dangerous they can be to our long-term health. There is particular concern about the persistence of certain synthetic long-lasting chemicals called PFAS, which break down very slowly over time, if at all.

These substances contain a strong carbon-fluorine bond that is hard to break, meaning that other molecules slide off PFAS-treated surfaces. As a result of this useful characteristic, PFAS are often behind any product that boasts waterproof or stain-resistant properties. But this is precisely what makes PFAS so harmful, as the chemicals are virtually indestructible and do not fully degrade in the environment or within living tissue. Instead, they accumulate in the environment and in the bodies of animals and humans over time, posing health risks. For this reason they are often referred to as 'forever' chemicals.

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