R for Responsible investment – A-Z of impact investing

Read our A-Z definitions to stay up to date with impact investment terminology.

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... Responsible Investment (RI) – involves taking environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into account when making investment decisions and influencing companies or assets through active ownership or stewardship. It complements traditional financial analysis and portfolio construction techniques. No views are taken as to whether or not these factors are good or bad: only the financial impact of the ESG factor is considered.

Read our other definitions
A for Additionality
B for Blended finance 
C for Concessionary 
D for Double materiality 
E for ESG
F for Fiduciary duty
 for Green bonds
H for Hydrogen
I for Intentionality
J for Just transition
K for Key performance indicators (KPIs)
L for Low carbon 
M for Measurement
N for Natural capital
O for Outcomes 
P for Paris Agreement
Q for Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol
S for Sustainable development goals
T for Triple bottom line
U for Underserved communities
V for Vocational training
W for Water access
X for Xeriscaping
Y for Youth empowerment 
Z for Zero-waste strategy