M for Measurement – A-Z of impact investing

Read our A-Z definitions to stay up to date with impact investment terminology.

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... Measurement – whether the intended impact can be defined with clear key performance indicators (KPIs) and targets for improvement.

Read our other definitions
A for Additionality
B for Blended finance 
C for Concessionary 
D for Double materiality 
E for ESG
F for Fiduciary duty
 for Green bonds
H for Hydrogen
I for Intentionality
J for Just transition
K for Key performance indicators
L for Low carbon 
N for Natural capital
O for Outcomes 
P for Paris Agreement
Q for Qualitative Impact Assessment Protocol
R for Responsible investment
S for Sustainable development goals
T for Triple bottom line
U for Underserved communities
V for Vocational training
W for Water access
X for Xeriscaping
Y for Youth empowerment 
Z for Zero-waste strategy