Stewardship in the spotlight: our hopes for voting practices in 2023 – WHEB

Predictions for stewardship for the year ahead.

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... At the beginning of a new year, journalists, industry commentators and thought leaders tend to publish their predictions for the year ahead. Unsurprisingly, this content is popular in the sustainable investing industry, given the rate of development it’s seen recently.

This year, one reoccurring theme WHEB have noticed, and that has (naturally) piqued their interest, is that stewardship will continue to rise up the agenda. Sustainability focused shareholder activism is on the rise. However, only 1% of the (580+) resolutions WHEB voted on in 2022 were proposed by shareholders and none related to environmental or social issues.

In their new stewardship blog, Rachael Monteiro outlines how WHEB’s proactive approach to voting enables a progressive stance on ESG issues despite the seemingly low rate of activist interest in their portfolio companies.

Learn more here