Sustainable Investment Survey 2022 – Redington

How are asset managers approaching sustainable investment?

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... This year’s heatwaves, wildfires and droughts have only reinforced what experts have been telling us for some time now: climate change is a very real threat. Alongside the climate crisis, this year has thrown at us a seemingly endless stream of economic, political and social challenges, affecting communities across the globe and adding to the factors asset owners must consider when investing.

To keep abreast of these challenges and better understand how the asset management community responds to them, Redington produce an annual, industry-wide Sustainable Investment Survey.

This year, their survey comprises responses to over 200 questions from 122 asset managers around the world, representing over £37.7 trillion in combined assets under management. the survey evaluates the sustainability and stewardship efforts of the asset management community – recognising and celebrating progress, and highlighting areas of concern.

Redington encourage you to read and engage with the responses and their assessment of them, and to hold asset managers to account. Through this, and in collaboration with their clients, partners and industry peers, they hope to catalyse the large-scale action required to solve the sustainability challenges we face.

Learn more here