Using risk transfer to achieve climate change resilience – Nephila Advisors

Extreme weather in some regions is making insurance more expensive and difficult to obtain, Nephila explain how weather-risk transfer can be used for climate change adaptation.

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Uncertainty exists around how much of a role climate change plays in any specific extreme weather event, but climate science is increasingly clear – climate change will make certain extreme weather events more frequent and more destructive. Droughts and heat waves will be longer and more severe. Precipitation will be more intense and the resulting floods more damaging.

As climate change drives more interest in mitigating and hedging growing risk exposure, and as word gets out how industries like electric power, agriculture, and renewable energy have hedged weather risks in a productive way for over a decade, it is a reasonable hope and expectation that weather-risk transfer and catastrophe coverage can be successfully and costeffectively used for climate change adaptation by a wide range of public and private organisations

Date of publication: June 2019

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