SFDR unpacked: what to look for in article 8 and 9 portfolios – AllianceBernstein

Investors are struggling to understand rules to confirm the ESG credentials of portfolios. Since regulatory guidelines are vague, asset managers must provide a framework to show how their products fit sustainable investing classifications.

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... The EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) aims to improve transparency about the ESG features of investment portfolios by having firms classify them as Article 8 or Article 9 products. 

For Article 8 and Article 9 portfolios across asset classes, AllianceBernstein believe embedding ESG research into security selection processes is the key to success. Engagement with management must focus intensively on ESG issues. ESG integration, ESG scoring and engagement are at the heart of how they classify Articles 8 and 9 portfolios under SFDR. There are no shortcuts to creating ESG-focused portfolios that comply with regulation and investor expectations.

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