Does 'ESG' spell 'embellished shiny grading'? - Newton Investment Management

The hyperfocus on sustainable investing is reminiscent of previous bubbles, specifically the dotcom boom and bust.

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... Key points:
  • The rebound from the COVID-19 crisis is set to be the most environmentally friendly economic recovery on record.
  • Fuelled by abundant liquidity, investors are flocking to back projects in renewable energy, electric vehicles, plant-based food, social inclusion and the circular economy.
  • Liquidity can be a two-edged sword: money traditionally flows to the best ‘story’, rather than to the problems that are hardest to solve.
  • We see echoes of the dotcom boom and bust of the late 1990s and early 2000s - too much money potentially chasing too few profitable and enduring business models.
The thing about bubbles: they’re dazzling, they’re enticing … and, ultimately, they burst. Anyone involved in the world of ESG for longer than the last few years will have mixed emotions over the recent surge in interest from investors.

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