A survey of asset managers with over $11tn AUM shows 60% confidence in UK climate goals, predicts impact investing could reach 15% of assets by 2030, and…Strong confidence in UK’s climate targets among institutional investors and asset managers in $11tn survey – press release
The scores Robeco assign to reflect a company’s contribution to the sustainable development goals (SDGs) are now available on Bloomberg terminals.Robeco’s SDG scores are now available on Bloomberg terminals
UN-sponsored Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Awards, October 2024.ILX receives prestigious PRI Awards, recognising its contribution to responsible and sustainable investment – press release
ESG Investor, October 2024.United Nations Pact bolsters social reporting momentum - Charlotte O'Leary comments
ESG Investor, August 2024UK pensions push for regulatory clarity - Charlotte O'Leary comments
LCP's Investment Uncut Podcast, August 2024Challenging assumptions with Pensions for Purpose's Charlotte O’Leary
New accounting standards could revolutionise how we approach net zero investments. Charlotte O'Leary comments on how these changes can transform costs…Pensions for Purpose statement on IAS 37 – press release
ESG Investor, February 2024Sustainability Principles Charter connects insurers, pensions - Karen Shackleton comments
Fund Operator, October 2023.How to generate alpha from a climate-transition-focused strategy – Marsham Investment Management