Charlotte O’Leary awarded Pension Fund Director of the Year 2023

Pensions for Purpose is one of the 2023 winners of Retirement Planning Awards at Wealth & Finance.

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... Pensions for Purpose CEO, Charlotte O'Leary, has been named Pension Fund Director of the Year by Retirement Planning Awards at Wealth & Finance 2023.

The awards strive to honour and commemorate those whose work allows this crucially important industry to flourish. From the financial advisors who bring consumers reassurance and empowerment, to the pension plan providers and fund managers who facilitate retirement income generation; Wealth & Finance International is committed to celebrating all influential businesses in the industry.

"Our pensions are about the future world we want to retire into. They both help to determine the income we will rely on as well as investing in the environment and society that we live in. Being recognised as a leader in this space is therefore an honour and I am incredibly proud. It has been made possible by an incredible organisation – Pensions for Purpose – and the brilliant team I heave the pleasure of working alongside." said Charlotte.

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