14 May 2024 – How do better business and fiduciary duty link together?

Better Business Act – Pensions for Purpose and Hymans Robertson event.

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Pensions for Purpose was so pleased to help convene this roundtable discussion with the Better Business Act and ShareAction at Hymans Robertson’s offices to understand the interdependencies and connections between pension funds, their advisers and managers, and ultimately the businesses that their members work for and that they invest in. Pensions are a unique system that embeds a social contract between generations and a need to treat all of its members - youngest and oldest – equally. They are also shareholders and investors in companies that have the ability to positively or negatively impact people and planet. Their members need to be as resilient as the businesses they invest in and that their members work for.

That is why at this roundtable we discussed how we can bring the Better Business Act campaign together with work around fiduciary duty, to better align all of the stakeholders in the pensions investment chain.

The principles behind the Better Business Act are:
1. Businesses need to align with wider stakeholder interests (including climate change, nature and society).
2. We need to empower company directors to make longer-term decisions.
3. This needs to be the default for business.
4. The biggest businesses need to report/disclose on what they are doing.

We will be meeting again so please do contact Pensions for Purpose, ShareAction or the BBA campaign for more information.

Read about P4P joining the BBA Coalition