4 September 2023 – Global Impact and Paris Alignment Forum online morning coffee with Invesco

Impact investing opportunities for pension schemes: scaling up climate adaptation investments in emerging markets.

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The climate impacts our societies by disrupting our food security, infrastructure, water systems and coastal zones. Sea level rise, widespread wildfires and supply chain disruptions induced by more frequent and severe weather events are only a few examples. As a result, climate adaptation and transition have become two of the important investment themes of our times. 

We were joined by Invesco’s Hamid Asseffar to hear why UK - pensions schemes may consider climate adaptation and resilience investment opportunities in developing markets to help lessen the impact of climate change and achieve a diversified source of return. 

This joint one-hour Global Impact and Paris Alignment Forum session was followed by a Q&A hosted by Martin Pattinson of Pensions for Purpose.  

Who is this event for?

This event was open to asset owners such as pension fund trustees, in-house executives and independent advisers, professional trustees, government representatives and consultants.


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Speakers' biography 

Hamid Asseffar, Head of Asset Managers UK ETF’s and Index Strategies, Invesco

Hamid AsseffarHamid Asseffar is responsible for exchange-traded funds distribution for UK asset managers and leading sustainable and impact investing initiatives at Invesco. Previously, he worked for Amundi, and brings his expertise and experience in conceptualising innovative products and solutions such as: blended finance, raising capital, building strategic partnerships, and designing and implementing distribution strategies. Prior to Amundi, Hamid worked for Société Générale Gestion in Paris and Credit Suisse in London. Hamid graduated from EDHEC Business School in France and holds the CFA ESG certificate, Certified Financial Technician (CFTe) with a diploma from the Society of Technical Analysts (STA).


Martin Pattinson, Director, Pensions for Purpose

Martin Pattinson

Martin has spent over 40 years in a variety of roles in property, banking and asset management across North America, Asia and EMEA, but especially in the UK institutional marketplace.

At Pensions for Purpose, Martin helps host our forums and works with colleagues on our engagement programme, contributing to bring our members together to inform, share knowledge, influence and advise, to achieve environmental and societal impact investment.

Global Impact Forum and Paris Alignment Forum

This event was jointly hosted by the Global Impact Forum and the Paris Alignment Forum.

The Global Impact Forum is an industry-wide member forum hosted by Pensions for Purpose to facilitate meaningful industry discussions on how to embed social and environmental impacts at a strategic level, including in governance discussions, to encourage the flow of capital towards investments that have a positive impact. For more information, please email the Forum Lead.

The Paris Alignment Forum was established by Pensions for Purpose to help pension funds and other asset owners on their journey to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement. We do this by sharing climate-related thought leadership written by our members (asset managers, consultants and lawyers), by running free training workshops for trustees and by engaging in industry-wide conversation through our quarterly all-stakeholder and asset-owner events. To join the Paris Alignment Forum, please email the Forum Lead.

Pensions for Purpose

Pensions for Purpose exists as a bridge between asset managers, pension funds and their professional advisers, to encourage the flow of capital towards impact investment. Our aim is to empower pension funds to seek positive impact opportunities and mitigate negative impact risks. For more information, please email the Membership Manager.