20 July 2023 – Place-Based Impacting Investing Forum online asset owner event with Triple Point

The heat beneath our streets: unleashing the investment potential of district heating.

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Pensions for Purpose was delighted to invite Place-Based Impact Investing (PBII) Forum members to its online asset owner event on 20 July 2023. 

Forum sponsor Triple Point were the delivery partner to the government for its £320 million Heat Network Investment Project and now, for its successor, the Green Heat Network Fund.

The challenge of how to decarbonise heating and cooling in the unique built environment is one of the toughest we’ll encounter on the road to net zero and heat networks will be a substantial part of the answer. With significant public funding, a growing pipeline of opportunities, and helpful policy tailwinds creating the conditions to unlock the £80 billion of private capital, which is required to come into the sector if it’s to fulfil its potential.

There’s much to be excited about in this compelling infrastructure market. Hear Triple Point’s Ken Hunnisett speak to Cantor Mocke of the
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy about why heat networks may be the next great institutional asset class. 

Who is this event for?

The session was open to anyone involved in the governance of assets and pension funds such as trustees of corporate defined benefit plans, trustees of corporate defined contribution plans; master trusts; LGPS pensions managers and committee members, and in-house pension teams.

Triple Point Logo

Speakers' biographies 

Cantor Mocke – Head of Market Growth, Heat Networks – Department for Energy Security and Net Zero

Cantor MockeAs Head of Market Growth for Heat Networks, Cantor works with the heart of government to grow and decarbonise heat networks. Delivering low-carbon heat options which provide high-quality services to consumers, is the lowest cost way to reach net zero heating. Cantor’s role is to ensure there is a coherent approach to growing the sector’s skills, maximising job opportunities and growing a high-value supply chain. As a Chartered chemical engineer with a Masters in Business Strategy and the Environment, Cantor has a background in implementing strategic approaches to help us adapt to climate change through the delivery of major infrastructure and managing the environmental impacts of industry.

Ken Hunnisett Head of Public Sector – Triple Point

Ken Hunnisett
Ken Hunnisett has spent the last 25 years in asset and social infrastructure finance. As a passionate advocate of the role private capital plays in driving out regional inequalities and levelling-up communities, Ken leads Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management; a multi-disciplinary team comprised of in-house energy infrastructure expertise and external professionals, all with deep, low-carbon heating sector specialisms. Ken’s team were the delivery partner to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for the Heat Network Investment Project, a £320 million fund to accelerate the growth in district heating development and are currently partnering with government again, in managing the multi-year Green Heat Network Fund.


Martin Pattinson, Director and Lead of The Place-Based Impact Investing Forum, Pensions for Purpose

Martin Pattinson

Martin has spent over 40 years in a variety of roles in property, banking and asset management across North America, Asia, EMEA but especially the UK institutional marketplace.

At Pensions for Purpose, Martin helps host our forums and works with colleagues on our member engagement programme, contributing to bringing our members together to inform, share knowledge, influence and advise, to achieve environmental and societal impact investment.

The Place-Based Impact Investing Forum

The Place-Based Impact Investing Forum was established by Pensions for Purpose and The Good Economy and is run in partnership with the Impact Investing Institute to help pension funds and other asset owners make informed decisions about place-based investments. We do this by sharing place-based-related thought leadership written by our members (asset managers, consultants and lawyers), by running training workshops for trustees and by engaging in industry-wide conversation through our quarterly all-stakeholder and asset-owner events. To join the Place-Based Impact Investing Forum please email the Forum Lead.

Pensions for Purpose

Pensions for Purpose exists as a bridge between asset managers, pension funds and their professional advisers, to encourage the flow of capital towards impact investment. Our aim is to empower pension funds to seek positive impact opportunities and mitigate negative impact risks. For membership information, please email our Membership Manager.

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