16 May 2023 – Paris Alignment Forum online morning coffee with Barings

Solving for the climate transition in high yield.

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Given the strengthening efforts to achieve net zero, as well as the rise in regulation, climate change mitigation is unquestionably playing a role in investment decisions globally.

In the session, we discussed how a more holistic approach to climate considerations can help the climate transition, particularly in high yield portfolios.

We then considered whether portfolio construction, based around climate-related parameters, can still be balanced and well-diversified across ratings and industries, while continuing to target traditional high yield-like returns.

As part of the Paris Alignment Forum, Gareth Hall of Barings led this one-hour interactive roundtable, followed by a Q&A hosted by Karen Shackleton of Pensions for Purpose.

Who was this event for?

This event was open to asset owners such as pension fund trustees, in-house executives and independent advisers, professional trustees, government representatives and consultants.



Speaker's biography

Gareth Hall, Portfolio Manager and ESG Specialist, Barings

Gareth Hall

Gareth is a member of Barings’ European High Yield Investments Group and is responsible for the portfolio management of various European, Global and ESG-focused strategies. Additionally, Gareth leads the development of ESG investment capabilities for the Global High Yield team.

Previously, Gareth was a Senior Investment Analyst in the European High Yield Investments Group covering high yield bonds and leveraged loans across multiple sectors.

Before joining the firm in 2010, Gareth worked for Ernst & Young (now EY) on the Transaction Advisory Services Team, primarily focused on financial and commercial due diligence for private equity clients. Gareth is a Chartered Accountant and holds a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics (MORSE) from the University of Warwick.


Karen Shackleton, Director and Founder, Pensions for Purpose

Karen Shackleton

Karen has worked in the finance sector for over 30 years. As well as being Founder of Pensions for Purpose, she is Deputy Chair of the Strategic Investment Board for the Ministry of Justice and a non-executive director and Chair of the Board of Resonance Ltd, a social impact investment company.

She sits on the Advisory Council of the Impact Investing Institute. Karen also provides independent investment advice to the London Boroughs of Islington, Camden and Hounslow through MJ Hudson. She was the Chief Executive/Managing Director of Allenbridge Epic Investment Advisers from 2010 to 2013.

Prior to that, she had ten years’ experience as a fund manager and director for County NatWest and BZW Investment Management (now BlackRock).

Paris Alignment Forum

The Paris Alignment Forum was established by Pensions for Purpose to help pension funds and other asset owners on their journey towards alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement. We do this by sharing climate-related thought leadership written by our members (asset managers, consultants and lawyers), by running free training workshops for trustees and by engaging in industry-wide conversation through our quarterly all-stakeholder and asset-owner events. To join the Paris Alignment Forum, please email the forum lead

Pensions for Purpose

Pensions for Purpose exists as a bridge between asset managers, pension funds and their professional advisers, to encourage the flow of capital towards impact investment. Our aim is to empower pension funds to seek positive impact opportunities and mitigate negative impact risks. For more information, please email our Membership Manager.

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