Access to Medicines: how sustainable investors can support healthcare and SDG 3 – P4P Podcast – S1 Ep12

Charlotte Moore welcomes Pensions for Purpose Senior Director & Training Lead, David Brown, and Clare Wood, Sustainable Portfolio Specialist at Stewart Investors, to the podcast to discuss medicine.

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In the latest episode of the Pensions for Purpose podcast, our host Charlotte Moore talks to David Brown, Senior Director & Training Lead at Pensions for Purpose and Clare Wood, Sustainable Portfolio Specialist at Stewart Investors about the organisation Access to Medicines Foundation. This not-for-profit organisation helps sustainable investors like Clare to identify which pharmaceutical and biotech firms are well governed and take their social purpose seriously. It’s such a helpful tool Stewart Investors recently helped the firm to expand its list to generic manufacturers essentially creating universal medicine coverage. This is an important issue for pension schemes to consider as it can help them to achieve their sustainable development goals. Clare and David discuss how investing in healthcare companies helps pension schemes address the sustainable development goals, in particular, SDG 3: 'Good Health and Well-being'  to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. 

Read the transcript