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Archives for the period April

Coronavirus and domestic abuse - Resonance
The Covid-19 health crisis is likely to lead to an increase in domestic abuse. Countries across the world are reporting an increase in domestic abuse as…
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How does AXA Investment Managers adapt portfolios to reflect the transition theme?
In this video, Serge Pizem, Head Of Multi-Assets, discusses how AXA Investment Managers tap into the challenge of green and social issues.
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This is a golden opportunity to show the merits of stock markets - Schroders
Drastic times call for unorthodox action. That’s why Schroders have written an open letter to UK companies showing their support during this unprecedented…
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A new social contract - sustainable investing during the Covid-19 crisis - Schroders
The coronavirus crisis has seen some high profile companies step up to offer their support. Schroders consider what this means for sustainable investing,…
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ESG, sustainable and impact investing - an online workshop for pension funds - Pensions for Purpose
This 50-minute workshop offers an introductory session for pension fund trustees, officers, sponsors, finance directors and advisers. It is also suitable…
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Q4, 2018 carbon footprint performance - TEO - a part of Beam Earth
TEO a carbon performance and impact player.
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Overcoming the challenges of ESG integration in Chinese A-shares - Robeco
Victoria Mio, CIO China Fund Manager Public Equities, and Jie Lu, Head of Research, Robeco, look at tailoring ESG integration methodology for Chinese A-shares.
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Nanoparticles - TEO - a part of Beam Earth
Increasing waterflood oil recovery in ClearFork Formation - Brooklaw Field.
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Oil infrastructure turnaround - TEO - a part of Beam Earth
Buying redundant oil assets and using EoR technologies to increase reserves.
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IFC Operating Principles for Impact Management adopter - press release - AXA Investment Managers
AXA Investment Managers have become a founding signatory of the new Operating Principles for Impact Management, announced at the World Bank Group-IMF Spring…
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