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Archives for the period

Unlocking the investment potential of 'S' in ESG: the key? More research and data on social issues – AllianceBernstein
Social issues are perhaps the most difficult to research and least understood by investors. ESG-focused investors need a way to step up to the challenge.
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Net-Zero Insurance Alliance Target-Setting Protocol – Hymans Robertson
What are the implications for general insurers and reinsurance companies?
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Nephila Climate impact report - Nephila Advisors
Nephila Climate provides risk transfer solutions, enabling capital to flow more freely to sustainability-linked businesses and protects sustainability-linked…
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Social impact – AlphaReal
Demystifying social impact investing in UK social infrastructure.
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Feeding the world and protecting the planet – AXA Investment Managers
A biodiversity and climate challenge for investors.
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The carbon half-time show - Fulcrum Asset Management
Using a forward-looking approach can be a useful guide to help avoid sustainability shortcuts.
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No coal, no soul, only dole – Artemis Investment Management
What is a ‘just transition’? And why should it matter to impact investors?
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SilverStreet Capital 2022 Annual Impact and ESG Report - The Silverlands Funds
The report summarises how SilverStreet Capital is creating a positive social, environmental and climate impact in Africa through its agricultural investments
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Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
Sustainability: now, never or when? – Fulcrum Asset Management
Fulcrum explores the relevance of ESG risk and opportunities to financial outcomes over time.
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