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Pensions for Purpose CEO calls for clarity on fiduciary duty and changes to the Companies Act – press release
Charlotte O'Leary, CEO of Pensions for Purpose gave evidence to the Work and Pensions Select Committee on fiduciary duty and climate change.
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Governance gap in impact management – Bruna Bauer
How can pension schemes adapt their governance and decision-making?
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Sustainability Disclosure Requirements: a practical guide for investors – Fidelity International
The roll-out of new measures related to Sustainability Disclosure Requirements will begin in May when anti-greenwashing rules come into effect. Ahead of…
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Earth Capital's Sustainability Review 2023
Earth Capital provide their Sustainability Review for 2023, along with ESG reporting on their portfolio of companies and a look towards the year ahead.
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Kevin Jones appointed as a Non-Executive Director – press release
Pensions for Purpose is delighted to announce Brunel Pension Partnership’s Director of Risk & General Counsel, Kevin Jones joins the Pensions for Purpose…
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The big contribution: how DC pension schemes can build a brighter future with private assets – M&G Investments
Private assets can make a big contribution to DC pension schemes by enhancing the quality of member retirements, while helping to contribute to a more…
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Emerging markets: financing the transition – BlackRock
Mega forces - low-carbon transition.
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Is net zero the stewardship challenge of our generation? – Bruna Bauer
How pension funds can contribute to a wider economic transition.
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
Why we like electric vehicles – Liontrust
Mike Appleby makes the strong investment and environmental case for electric vehicles vs internal combustion engine cars.
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Voluntary carbon markets: is the nuance lost in the noise? – Federated Hermes Limited
The integrity of some of the world’s voluntary carbon market (VCM) schemes is a hot-button issue. However, Federated Hermes Limited believe it’s important…
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.