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Archives for the period September

Financing the sustainable development goals - impact investing in action (GIIN report) - Partners Group
Partners Group investment featured as a case study for how asset managers can bridge the concept of SDGs.
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Investing for impact: profit with purpose - M&G Investments
The Telegraph, September 2018
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We can all get along - joint engagement by bond and equity investors - Federated Hermes
In this two-part paper, Mitch Reznick CFA, Co-Head of Credit and Head of Credit Research, and Hans-Christoph Hirt, assert that the shared interests of…
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Stewardship practices under the spotlight as SRDII deadline nears - Federated Hermes
In Q2 2019, the long awaited sequel to the shareholder rights directive – ‘SRD II’ − is coming to a compliance department near you. Find out how Hermes…
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Agriculture in the low-carbon era: Why we can't wait until the cows come home - Federated Hermes
Maxime Le Floch, CFA, Investment Analyst, considers the significant role agriculture has to play in mitigating climate change.
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A history of Pensions for Purpose so far (end August 2018)
This item is available for journalists to use as background on Pensions for Purpose
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How property investment can have social impact - Resonance - Pensions for Purpose Content Award Winner 2018
John Williams, Head of Property Funds at social impact investment company Resonance, explores how investment in property can also be linked to social impact.
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Pensions with purpose - Big Society Capital
Big Society Capital and ComRes consider an opportunity to drive deeper engagement with DC savers
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Investing for return and social impact – is there necessarily a trade-off? - Resonance
Simon Chisholm, Investment Director at social impact investment company Resonance, comments on whether investing for both return and social impact necessarily…
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