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Archives for the period June

Circular economy: a prerequisite for climate neutrality - Rize ETF
What is a circular economy and why is it important for the future?
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Impact trends and considerations for pension funds — Cameron Turner
This blog reflects views from our all-stakeholder Global Impact Forum event on impact philosophy, hosted by Charlotte O'Leary and David Brown.
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
Valuing nature – podcast - abrdn
abrdn looks at the role of natural capital in today’s world.
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
2 companies addressing fossil fuel environmental impact – Rize ETF
Companies helping to reduce fossil fuel emissions.
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
The impact of company engagement – video – River and Mercantile Group
Portfolio manager William Lough discusses how engagement achieves results.
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
Why impact investing needs a SFDR Art. 9 fund of funds approach – Alpha Associates
A fund of funds approach can help overcome key obstacles for institutional investors seeking exposure to a range of themes and geography.
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Pension funds slow to invest in biodiversity despite massive opportunities to support nature restoration – press release – Pensions for Purpose
Pensions for Purpose has released a new white paper, commissioned by Gresham House, calling on asset owners and managers to start investing to preserve…
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
Earth Capital Limited wins the ESG award at WealthBriefing European Awards 2023 - press release
Leading wealth management industry participant, Earth Capital Ltd has joined the ranks of an elite global group who have been handed the honour of winning…
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Tenant voices – Resonance
Hear about how Matt & Paul have moved on with their lives after becoming tenants of Resonance Property Funds.
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
If climate scenarios did capture the risks, what would they look like? – Hymans Robertson
How can asset owners use climate scenarios to fully capture the risks of climate change?
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.