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Archives for the period June

Why impact investing needs a SFDR Art. 9 fund of funds approach – Alpha Associates
A fund of funds approach can help overcome key obstacles for institutional investors seeking exposure to a range of themes and geography.
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Pension funds slow to invest in biodiversity despite massive opportunities to support nature restoration – press release – Pensions for Purpose
Pensions for Purpose has released a new white paper, commissioned by Gresham House, calling on asset owners and managers to start investing to preserve…
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Earth Capital Limited wins the ESG award at WealthBriefing European Awards 2023 - press release
Leading wealth management industry participant, Earth Capital Ltd has joined the ranks of an elite global group who have been handed the honour of winning…
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Tenant voices – Resonance
Hear about how Matt & Paul have moved on with their lives after becoming tenants of Resonance Property Funds.
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If climate scenarios did capture the risks, what would they look like? – Hymans Robertson
How can asset owners use climate scenarios to fully capture the risks of climate change?
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K for Key performance indicators – A-Z of impact investing
Read our A-Z definitions to stay up to date with impact investment terminology.
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The path to green steel – River and Mercantile Group
Innovation in the steel industry is lowering the carbon footprint of steel.
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Nowhere to go, nowhere to turn to - Steve's story – video - Resonance
Steve shares his story of the difference a home from the Resonance Everyone In fund has made to his life.
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Engagement case study: Volkswagen – Federated Hermes Limited
Federated Hermes Limited engaged with Volkswagen on the root causes of its 2015 emissions scandal and its company on how it could improve the underlying…
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Unlocking the investment potential of 'S' in ESG: the key? More research and data on social issues – AllianceBernstein
Social issues are perhaps the most difficult to research and least understood by investors. ESG-focused investors need a way to step up to the challenge.
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