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Schneider Electric – spurring decarbonisation – WHEB
Victoria MacLean discusses the sustainability goals of Schneider Electric.
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Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
How to get rid of ‘Earth Overshoot Day’ – Triodos Investment Management
Column by Matija Kajić and Ernst Hobma.
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Broadening the path to low-carbon investing – AllianceBernstein
A diversified approach to climate-focused equities.
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ESG in the UK bulk purchase annuity provider market – EY
Key sustainability themes to consider when selecting a bulk purchase annuity provider
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Measuring climate alignment, one temperature at a time – Lombard Odier Investment Managers
Targeting real climate leadership: Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM)'s temperature alignment method for identifying net-zero portfolio candidates.
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Engagement case study: Prudential – Federated Hermes Limited
EOS have been engaging with Prudential since 2010 on a range of issues including board effectiveness, culture, risk management, sustainability strategy…
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Investment viewpoint – Lombard Odier Investment Managers
Widen the net: the case for non-sponsored direct lending exposure.
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A reflection on B Corp Month – an ongoing journey – Bruna Bauer
"B Corp isn’t a destination. It’s a journey.”
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The 'iPhone moment' for obesity treatment – WHEB
Ben Kluftinger writes about Novo Nordisk, who are producing the so-called 'miracle' weight loss drug taking popular culture by storm.
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