Ted Franks, Partner and Fund Manager at WHEB, reflects on approaches to deal with air pollution.The great smog; London's dirty air - WHEB
Sustainable investing is finally getting traction in the market place. This is possibly because the market has started to acknowledge that issues such…Let's talk about outcomes: voting on shareholder proposals - Robeco
Creating portfolios that are resilient to climate change is not just an issue of decarbonizing.Understanding climate change risk in portfolios - Robeco
The social arm of The Big Issue has invested £1.5 million in a lottery business that supports the hospice and wider charity sector across the UK.Big Issue Invest commits £1.5 million to support lottery business that supports hospices and charities across the UK - press release
Robeco's analysis of historical performance data confirms what they see in practice. Credit sectors with positive or neutral Sustainable Development Goal…Lower credit risk observed in sectors that are positively aligned with the SDGs - Robeco
Replacing fossil fuels with clean energy is a key element in limiting climate change. Disclosures on the strategy that electric utilities have for this…Engaging with electric utilities on climate change - Robeco
Keeping you in the sustainability loop.The Circular, Q3 2019 - Federated Hermes
Hermes believe they can use their platform to deliver a vision of a sustainable future that can help create social cohesion and hasten the transition to…Impactful intent: housing for a sustainable future - Federated Hermes
How an Italian energy company’s new bond marks a defining moment in the evolution of sustainable fixed-income markets.Enel steps up: the world's first SDG-linked bond - Federated Hermes
Sébastien Soleille, Head of the Energy transition at BNP Paribas, and Bertrand Alfandari, ETF & Index Solutions, BNP Paribas Asset Management, explain…The circular economy: a change for the better as well as an investment opportunity - BNP Paribas Asset Management