Ted Franks, Partner and Fund Manager at WHEB, discusses their approach to conglomerate companies.Buying the best of General Electric - WHEB
Antimicrobial resistance – or AMR, for short – is present in every country, and is an increasing threat.Amplified: stopping the superbugs - antibiotic-resistant bacteria (podcast) - Federated Hermes
The advisory committee provides independent oversight and governance on behalf of clients in WHEB's investment strategy.Kingsmill Bond, New Energy Strategist at Carbon Tracker, appointed to WHEB's Independent Advisory Committee - press release
From ending poverty and reducing inequality to tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests, humanity faces a number of global…Impact report Q4 2018 - Federated Hermes
Investors can play a powerful role in tackling global challenges, such as climate change or human rights issues, by engaging with companies. But how can…Amplified: what key themes will we engage on this year? (podcast) - Federated Hermes
The Fifth Estate, April 2019Real estate no longer taking a back seat on impact investing
This report provides an in-depth analysis of the current size and composition of the impact investing market.Sizing the impact investment market - the GIIN