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China's green enablers deserve a place in equity funds – AllianceBernstein
The global transition to a greener future requires Chinese companies. Investors should take a closer look.
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From the White House to the EU: how the world is driving green investing – Octopus
Global spending in the net zero transition is estimated to reach £220 trillion between 2021 and 2050. What is the role of institutional investors and how…
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We don’t value nature – StepStone Group
Early economic thinkers, including Adam Smith, saw nature only for what she (nature was always female in their writing) could provide – land for housing…
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Active ownership case study: how we’re influencing companies over workforce issues – Schroders
Against the backdrop of a cost of living crisis, how can companies successfully recruit, develop and retain top talent?
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ESG Insights – COP 27: outcomes, opportunities and emerging markets – Columbia Threadneedle Investments
The expectations for COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, were lower than for the landmark COP 26 in Glasgow in late 2021. And although world leaders at COP…
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Top trends in consumer finance and payments – Rize ETF
Five trends in consumer finance and payments that you need to know about.
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Droughts and floods: dealing with the flow – J O Hambro Capital Management
Devasting droughts and brutal floods dominate news cycles.
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2022 voting spotlight - BlackRock
BlackRock investment stewardship. A look into the 2021-2022 proxy voting year.
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Place-based impact investment at The Good Economy
Future directions of travel.
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From seed to supper – solutions to mitigate food waste – BNP Paribas Asset Management
Companies that can successfully mitigate food loss or waste with their products and services can offer compelling investment opportunities and play a material…
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