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Archives for the period June

Climate science basics for pension funds - Mike Rogers
This blog by Mike Rogers is part of a weekly series from the Pensions for Purpose team. This week, he reflects on the recent training courses offered within…
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ESG in LDI - Redington
ESG in UK LDI – is it just window dressing?
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The pandemic: an opportunity for women and financial inclusion - Triodos Investment Management
Owning a bank account is just a first step.
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Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.
Stewardship in a pandemic - Federated Hermes
Federated Hermes see two key lessons for investor stewardship, and for tackling future sustainability challenges and crises.
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Net zero: what is it and what does it mean for my investments? - Redington
Becoming ‘net zero’ is our best chance of addressing climate change and our first step in securing a sustainable future for all. But what does ‘net zero’…
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For long-term profitability, inclusive growth matters - BNP Paribas Asset Management
Companies focused on inclusive growth could stand to benefit in the long run. Investment specialist Ramon Esteruelas and environmental, social and governance…
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Multi-factor strategies and ESG – perfect partners - Invesco
UK case study for a carbon-optimised multi-factor portfolio.
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ESG: the future is in reporting - Redington
As an industry we need to work together to develop the reporting side of ESG - by nature an essential for today’s investment decisions.
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10 sustainable ways out of the crisis - Triodos Investment Management
"Now is the time to make forward-looking choices."
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