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Archives for the period May

13 June 2023 – Paris Alignment Forum online afternoon tea with 57 Stars
Impact investing in private equity: scaling up innovative solutions to global challenges.
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7 June 2023 - Place-Based Impact Investing Forum online all-stakeholder event with Brunel Pension Partnership and Cornwall Pension Fund
Hear about their innovative strategies for working together to impact Cornwall.
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EU passes new deforestation law – Rize ETF
The European Parliament has passed a new landmark law to fight climate change and biodiversity loss.
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G for Green bonds – A-Z of impact investing
Read our A-Z definitions to stay up to date with impact investment terminology.
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Levelling up – AlphaReal
Can LGPS capital be a force for good in the UK?
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Engagement case study: BMW – Federated Hermes Limited
BMW has set targets for its electric vehicles strategy and addressed climate lobbying concerns.
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Rising tides – the impact of coastal flooding on sovereign credit risk – BNP Paribas Asset Management
With sea levels continuing to rise, coastal flooding is already a considerable – and growing – economic threat to low-lying regions, says BNP Paribas Asset…
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Why, and how, investors should integrate biodiversity into fixed income portfolios – AXA Investment Managers
Managing risks, having a positive impact and meeting regulations are three reasons why fixed income investors should consider biodiversity within their…
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Value investing and ESG: every sector matters – J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Discover how value investing strategies can provide fertile ground for investors to build effective ESG portfolios, without the need for blanket exclusions.
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Why social bonds have become an important asset class – AXA Investment Managers
Why social bonds are here to stay.
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