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Archives for the period May

Sharing the wealth: pricing power and impact - WHEB
Ted Franks, Partner and Fund Manager at WHEB, considers how to address some of the tensions between profitability and impact.
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Impact investing and intentionality for purpose-led investors: a holistic response - WHEB
Text of a speech given by George Latham, Managing Partner at WHEB, to a Faith in Finance conference hosted by the Alliance of Religions and Conservation,…
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In search of a better beta: why benchmark orthodoxy must change - WHEB
George Latham, Managing Partner at WHEB and Mike Clark, Founder of Ario Advisory and a member of WHEB's Independent Investment Advisory Committee challenge…
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A Mallowstreet blog on impact investments and fiduciary duties - Pensions for Purpose
In this blog, which originally appeared on the Mallowstreet forum, Karen Shackleton, Head of Pensions for Purpose, challenges the assertion that impact…
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