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Archives for the period February

The Emerging Market Equities Podcast: renewable energy - abrdn
How is the green revolution making investment opportunities in emerging markets?
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The entrepreneurial approach to supporting the low carbon economy - Partners Group
Why private markets are well-positioned to support the low carbon transition.
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ESG asset owner survey: how are investors changing? - bfinance
New research gives insight on investors' ESG approaches and current challenges.
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The greenness of the EU budget: implications for fixed income and industry - Federated Hermes
EU confidence creates conditions for green bond market to flourish.
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Climate change: the time to act is now - Barnett Waddingham
In this paper, Associate, Policy and Strategy Lead Amanda Latham explores the pivotal moment as climate-aligned investment takes centre stage in company…
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UK pensions in 2021: key trends and developments for trustees and sponsoring employers - Gowling WLG
Interest in climate responsible investing heats up.
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Impact investing in action - helping to create a cycle of positive change - M&G Investments
Through their commitment to MEF, a global microfinance debt fund, M&G's clients have the opportunity to lend for impact by giving micro and small entrepreneurs…
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SDG engagement equity commentary: Glanbia - Federated Hermes
Launched in January 2018, the Hermes SDG Engagement Equity Fund has the dual purpose of delivering attractive returns and measurable real-world impact.
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Are oil majors ready to become part of the climate-change solution? - abrdn
The fight against climate change is the most important facing society. Could oil majors have a significant role to play?
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Value or values: the choice of environmental, social and governance values in asset management - Barings
As investors increasingly seek strategies that both deliver returns and advance core values, asset managers have been testing different approaches.
Only members with restricted access (ie. academics, asset owners, government and regulatory, independent advisers/trustees and sponsoring employers) can view this article. Please login or join to view. If your organisation is already a member, please contact us for access.