Ted Franks, Fund Manager at WHEB, explores the theme of biodiversity from an impact investment perspective.Why we do need experts - WHEB
Ty Lee, Associate Fund Manager at WHEB, looks at one of their portfolio holdings, Varian - a global leader in radiation therapy for cancer treatment -…Why we invest in Varian; using innovation to fight cancer - WHEB
Seb Beloe, Head of Research at WHEB, looks at how the WHEB portfolio invests in companies whose products and services help reduce greenhouse gas emissions…Prosperity with purpose: positioning portfolios in a carbon-challenged world - WHEB
A case study of an investment in a trust which supports people who need help to live independent and happy lives through the provision of high quality…Sandwell Community Caring Trust - Big Issue Invest
The Big Issue’s social investment arm Big Issue Invest has committed £400,000 to help people recovering from drug and alcohol abuse enter employment.Big Issue Invest’s £400k boost to help 1,700 ex-addicts find jobs
Montanaro Asset Management's annual impact report.Better World Fund Impact Report 2019 - Montanaro Asset Management
Montanaro Asset Management's inaugural impact reportBetter World Fund Impact Report 2018 - Montanaro Asset Management
Welcome to the launch issue of The Circular - key analysis and insights about sustainable investment.The Circular: keeping you in the sustainability loop - Federated Hermes
The 9th edition of this report - which draws on responses from 266 leading impact investing organisations from around the world who collectively manage…Annual impact investor survey 2019 - GIIN
In this video abrdn look at the ways they can increase their integration of ESG in real estate.ESG: investing in real estate today for a better tomorrow - video - abrdn